Approval and Recognition of Internships (M.A. Programme “Human Geography: Globalisation, Media, and Culture” – Module 9/7)

If you decide to do a non-university vocational internship in media or cultural geographic fields in Module 9/(7), the internship shall last at least four consecutive months (full-time with 38 hours a week). Should your working week be shorter (absolute minimum: four days a week with eight working hours a day), the required internship period shall extend accordingly (if this is the case, please consult with Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fuchs in advance). The four-month vocational internship should be within an appropriate context of your studies (see module handbook). It is essential to have the internship approved in advance and, after successful completion, recognised by Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fuchs who is responsible for applications for vocational internships in Module 9/(7).

For your application, please use the Application for Approval of Internship form and, eventually, the Application for Recognition of Internship form.

In addition, the four-month internship in Module 9/(7) can be divided into two periods, which can be completed at two different non-university institutions each that are closely associated with your field of study. Each period shall last at least eight consecutive weeks (full-time with 38 hours a week). The individual internship period has to be approved in advance and recognised after successful completion. Your 15/20 credit points are added to your transcript of records only when the entire internship period of at least 16 weeks has been completed.

After having completed your internship you must have it recognised. Therefore, submit an application with the chair of the M.A-board of examiners in Geography. Please use the Application for Recognition of Internships and sign it.

Please attach to your application:

  1. A copy of the letter of approval for your internship, which was sent to you by email in advance.
  2. An internship certificate in the original version duly dated and signed by the relevant institution, which indicates date and duration of the internship and contains a description and assessment of the tasks you were entrusted with.
  3. An informal internship report (6-8 DIN A4 pages) outlining the fields of activity of the institution and/or the company and describing the tasks you have carried out and the experiences you have made during your internship. At the end of the report, draw your personal conclusions and add the address of the institution and company as well as the name and contact details (phone number/email-address) of your supervisor there.

Please send all documents (internship certificate and internship report) and the signed Application for Recognition of Internships in the PDF-format via your university email-address to Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fuchs, who is responsible. In the subject line, please write “Application for approval of internship: your last name, first name, student number”. Please make sure that your documents are complete, prior to submitting them. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Keep the originals of the documents. In case of any ambiguity, you might be requested to submit them to the committee for verification. As considerable coordination efforts are made by the relevant committees handling time for your application may be at least two to three weeks during lecture periods. During semester breaks, handling times can even be longer. Please consider the deadlines during the planning process.

Following a successful assessment of your application you will receive a notification of recognition by email. Furthermore, you will be asked to meet Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fuchs during his consultation hours. Bring along the original documents and a copy of the internship certificate. After the documents have been reviewed, they will be returned to you. A copy will be archived. Only then will the credit points earned for the Module  be credited to your transcript of records where they appear after having been released by the students office. The recognition process for Module 9/(7) is now complete.